Every quarter, I’ll share a brief summary of the upgrades I’m making. Here’s the 18 upgrades I made in Q1 of 2016.

Herman Miller Chair
Last year I got a xray and saw that the bottom part of my sacrum curves. I had bad posture habits on my “leather executive chair”.
It was time to get the best chair possible. Herman Miller Aeron fit the bill (plus they were available locally in Panama).
The chair doesn’t come with a headrest. However there is another company that makes one for the chair. I like it because I can lay back and chill.
Chill Pad
I’m on a MONSTER sleep optimization kick right now. And I’m obsessed with: darkness, coldness and removing pressure points. I’ll post a big sleep article soon.
The Chill Pad is a thin pad filled with a small amount of distilled water that goes below your bed sheets on top of your mattress. You can either cool or warm the water.
I’ll be posting a proper review on my upcoming Youtube channel.
This is one of my favorite purchases in Q1 this year.

Black and White colored Oura Ring
The Oura Ring allows me to track my sleep without getting hit by bluetooth signals or wearing bands (too cumbersome for me).
The data is wicked and it’s already helping me do some improvements.
More Cardio

Trail running. Freeze action closeup of running shoes in action.
I’ve cut back on weight training and upping my cardio. Was inspired after reading Hybrid Athlete by Alex Viada. Plus the cardio time allows me to devour a book or 2 a week.
Working on being more polite
Sometimes, simple things lead to BIG GAINS. This video by Dan Sullivan was one of those videos. Dan reveals the 4 things that increase your credibility and respect amongst others.
Doubled Learning Speed
I think this is going to become a product later this year. I’ve literally 4X my learning speed and volume in the last year.
First, I read the book “Dirty Electricity” which was enlightening. The book explained that dirty electricity is a form of EMF pollution. So, I decided to fix it.
Next I bought a dirty electricity reader. And not surprisingly (in Panama), it was 1600 in some electrical outlets. The recommended level is below 50.
To fix it it’s easy. I bought 13 Steterizer filters and I reduced it down to about 70. The number you need depends on how big your place is (my place is 6,200 sq feet) and how many things you’ve got plugged in. I bought another 5 in order to reduce even more.
Working on standing and moving more throughout the day
After listening to a podcast, I’ve been inspired to move more. The Oura Ring also tells me when the get up and move (if I’ve been sitting for too long). I’ll go rebound for 2 or 3 minutes to get the blood moving.
Organic Black Angus

Black angus beef
Finding good quality, organic beef in Panama is NO easy task. In fact, this is the first time I score this in 12 years of living here. The cattle is raised by a couple from Nebraska who moved to Panama.
With ribeyes and porterhouses being my staple on the ketogenic diet, getting the best quality possible is vital.
Silk Sheets
In my quest for the ultimate “cool sheets”, I thought I would try these silk sheets. I do find them cooler than cotton. I alternate between the silk sheets and the ground sheets.
Second Set Of Black Out Blinds
In my quest for DARKNESS, I decided to get a second set of blackout curtains to completely block out any light in the room. These guys not only blackout light, but reduce noise and heat.
Dirty Electricity by Samuel Milham MD MPH
Good quick read if you’re a health nut. Reveals some interesting data on dirty electricity.
Great marketing book. We’re going to fully implement this in my bizes in Q2.
Scrum: The Art Of Doing Twice As Much In Half The Time by Jeff Sutherland and Jj Sutherland
Team productivity and organization is really my core theme this year. This book continues on that track. This is a GREAT book if you’re working with a team of more than 5 people and you want to maximize productivity.
10 Pillars To Wealth By Alex Becker
Great book really laying down what it takes to build WEALTH. This is not a “build a nice lifestyle” book. This is HOW TO BECOME RICH book.
Letting Go by David Hawkins (re-read) — HIGHEST RECOMMENDATION
This is a SPIRITUAL MASTERPIECE. It’s a must read for everyone in my opinion. It’s my second go around at it and I got even more out of it this time.
Solid book if you want to build a big next level company.
Meditating: I started meditating in January and lost the groove in February.
Starting Youtube Channel for MattGallant.tv
WimHof breathing method
Studying Huang Po
CURRENT OBSESSIONS: The Walking Dead And Sleep Quality.